Sunday, 2 August 2009
{ 8/02/2009 10:52:00 pm }
Here I'm back, again. Now I've been busy for weeks caused by school's lessons that makes me got really bad scores if I don't study hard. Not just studying.. Lately I feel so stupid.. Especially when it comes to counting things.. Not just stupid. Idiot maybe? And I've been stressed caused of that.. Cause the condition is that my highschool now discriminates..
So my level is divided into 8 classes. X1 till X8. X1 contains students from Gloria who are superior in math and physics. X2 contains non-Gloria-graduated students who are superior in math and physics. X3 and X4 contains mixed students (Gloria-graduated and non) who--as my friend said--have special ability/ies. For example, in my class, X4, there's Michelle Fenhan who had brought Gloria JHS DBL trophy twice for 2 years in row. But other friend of mine said that the classes depends on the UNAS result. Is it? Then, X5-X8 is likely to have bigger chance to be classified as IPS (social) class--that in Indonesia seen as more stupid than IPA (science) classes. And there is an extraculicullar called Lingkungan Hidup (nature stuffs) have a rule that only X1-X4 can join..
This discrimination has driven me crazy for these weeks. I boosted up time for study math and physics and now I've been exhausted of studying math and physics. (I really am having kind of depressed-face these days.. I used to talk a bunch with my pals.. Like having every topics each minutes.. Now I'm just like a dummy.. I have no topic to discuss with, and my mind's now full of algebra, numbers, equationn.. HATE THAT!!) For short, now I feel illussionly, unconsiderably, unconciously.. aimless. It's like being too lazy to do any.. even drawing, rope-skipping, practicing guitar, browsing.. How come?
What I'm trying to recover the condition now is by praying more, and try to get myself busy of anything.. avoiding myself from not doing anything. Everytime I do nothing, I would regret cause I feel like I've wasted minutes of my life..
Is this happen because I procrastinate much?
Procrastination has been the worst habit I've had in my life.. And it hasn't gone till now.. I want to change to a better person.. and it is difficult. Really. Now I am a baby eagle which now's released from the high hill to the cold, unforgiving sky, and trying so hard to flap out my wings so I can fly and save from the bottom-rocky-land..
Maybe it is just I have to add more colour to my life now!! Yeah =)
I'm pursuiting taekwondo class!! I really want to learn taekwondo. Lodi said it is a fun martial-art class to have, and it is available now near my house =D. I really want to join.. and the condition to accept is that I have to get good marks for math and physics so my mom won't worry about my scores so she would let me join taekwondo! Clever me ^^
See ya next post!
aza aza fighting!! ^^
Labels: personal, school life